Identity 2.0
It's a humbling moment when you realize even Lawrence Lessig doesn't feel like he's accomplished much.
I've mentioned before that Lawrence Lessig is one of my all-time heroes. I hope he takes to heart the following comment left on his blog:
In any event, this is just a sidetour to the real reason for this post: you should all watch Dick Hardt's OSCON keynote on Identity 2.0. It is HOT. And a good lesson in "using Powerpoint wisely" as well as being really damned funny and smart. And Dick Hardt is sort of cute, and he went to UBC.
I've mentioned before that Lawrence Lessig is one of my all-time heroes. I hope he takes to heart the following comment left on his blog:
little progress?! perhaps the view never changes while you are rolling the boulder up the mountain, but every time it rolls back down, well, it takes some of the mountain with it… Please sir, keep on rocking, keep on rolling…
In any event, this is just a sidetour to the real reason for this post: you should all watch Dick Hardt's OSCON keynote on Identity 2.0. It is HOT. And a good lesson in "using Powerpoint wisely" as well as being really damned funny and smart. And Dick Hardt is sort of cute, and he went to UBC.
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