wiki me this, wiki me that

Didn't have my camera with me, but here's the closest approximation I could find on Google.
In other news:
Came across the Wikipedia entry for "Chinese Canadian" last night. Even more fascinating was the discussion. If you've never encountered Wikipedia, "it's a free-content encyclopedia, written collaboratively by people from around the world". Plain English: it's an online encyclopedia that everyone with an internet connection can edit, discuss and participate in. The Chinese Canadian entry has only been around since July 2003 (check out the history) and over 500 people have contributed to the page so far.
So if one of us wanted to edit the Chinese Canadian entry, you could go right ahead (heck, you're probably better informed than most of the people currently editing...). Or perhaps you'd like to edit the Richmond entry. Or the UCLA entry. Or the bubble tea entry.
Speaking of which, here's my favourite piece of trivia from the bubble tea entry:
"In September 2004, defending a US$18 billion weapon purchase plan, the ROC Ministry of National Defense used bubble tea as an example of the overall cost of the proposed purchase. The Ministry stated that the total cost of the weapons systems would be equivalent to the money saved if all Taiwanese drank one less pearl milk tea per week for a period of twenty years."
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